Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Top Traffic Cop Rails Against Speeders, Then Gets Busted by Speed Camera

After keeping it a secret since before Christmas, Victoria’s top traffic cop, Ken Lay has admitted that he was caught speeding. He finally came forward, writing an article in the newspaper admitting his guilt.

He apologized and said that the reason he kept it a secret was because of the huge crackdown the force planned through the Christmas holiday to promote highway safety.

According to Lay’s own words, his chance of crashing increased by four times while he was speeding through the streets. Reports say he was going 83km/h in a sign posted 70km/h zone. That speed got him a $245 fine. He paid the fine, only confiding in Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, and convincing him that the ticket should be kept secret until after the holidays.

Lay says this was his first “blunder” in thirty-five years of driving.  That's almost certainly a lie.  What he probably means is that it's the first time he got caught and didn't get a wink and a nod from his fellow highwayman.  Reports say he was “let off” five years ago with a warning after speeding.  Mr. Lay did the wrong thing by keeping his offense secret. How was he able to go to work every day targeting “bad” drivers, when he, himself was in fact caught breaking the very laws that he’s paid to enforce? The public deserved to know. 

The only good thing about these speed cameras is that police find out what a huge scam they are perpetrating on people.  If the government really wanted people to drive the speed limit there would be an electronic speed limiting device on every car.  Many tractor trailers have them already because the owners refuse to get scammed any more.  Only an idiot would believe that safety is the reason for speeding tickets.  Revenue is the reason, and anyone who tells you different is a liar.

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