Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top Traffic Cop Caught Speeding... Part II

To the left you can see a screenshot of an article printed in The Melbourne Leader in November.  The campaign targeted "dangerous" drivers, even calling those who break the laws “bloody idiots”, and the article featured top traffic cop Ken Lay in the photo. What’s interesting is that Mr. Lay received his own speeding citation in October.

He not only went to work every day enforcing laws that he hadn’t followed, but he went as far as to call those who break the laws idiots. In my opinion, this makes Lay the biggest bloody idiot of them all.  How much of a turd would you have to be to call people bloody idiots in the headlines when you yourself just got busted speeding?

The headline says that “you will be caught”.  Since Mr. Lay had finally “been caught”, that must have really made him believe that everyone else would be as well. I’ll bet that before his citation, he felt pretty invincible! The problem with speeding cameras is that cops don't get a break from their fellow highwaymen like they have in the past.  Instead of setting a good example and admitting his guilt showing that everyone makes mistakes, he hid the truth and went to work every day living a lie and even having a part in insulting would-be law breakers. Unbelievable.

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