A dashboard police camera shows the chase, and allows you to hear everything that was said during the arrest. That's when officer Phinney drops the bomb that every cop knows, but no sober cop says. Phinney tells the officers in all candor that she’s pulled over other cops going 100 miles per hour and let them go because they were officers.
“As long as they show me a badge, I don't care” she said. Surprised? Don't be. Speeding tickets are a complete and total scam. Everybody speeds, but 99.999% of the time, cops, prosecutors and judges drive away with a warning after they are stopped. You and I get ticketed and have to go to court where these dirtbags try to shame us into feeling guilty for exceeding the speed limit.
According to the tape, she wound up with a bloody lip after resisting arrest. Phinney was ticketed for both reckless driving and disorderly conduct. Amazingly, she was released to go home, and never went to jail. The resisting arrest charge was never filed. Worst of all, you can hear the officer ask Phinney how much she had to drink that night on the tape, and his report indicated that she had "glassy eyes". However, she was never given sobriety tests or charged with DUI.
Phinney should be thrilled with her luck. Nobody else would get off without going to jail after this type of behavior. It’s a shame she didn’t get charged with more after her actions. What a big disappointment for a police officer to behave this way. And a bigger disappointment for the arresting officer to not have pursued the resisting arrest and DUI charge the way he probably would have if she hadn’t been a police officer.
Reports say Phinney was supposed to appear in court on Monday. She was granted a continuance by the court, and the hearing is now scheduled for late February. She faces up to sixty days in jail, fines, and points on her driving record. Perhaps Phinney needs to receive the full 60 day jail sentence and the maximum fine. She apparently admitted to allowing other officers to violate the law with no consequences, so one might think that her career in law enforcement should be brought to a quick halt as well.
What lessons can her fellow cops take from this event? First, if your fellow highwayman hits the party light, pull over immediately. Second, be polite and cooperative to them throughout the process just as you want people treating you when you are harrassing them. Third, you are probably being taped, so don't admit the big cop secret: that cops don't write each other tickets. Finally, shut your big yap and don't act like a raging bitch when the officer is just trying to do his job.