Monday, December 21, 2009

Meet District Attorney Tom Keith

Part II – Accusations Against Keith and His Subsequent Retirement…

Many want to know is who is this Tom Keith? And what gives him the right to question the judge’s ruling? It seems the name “Tom Keith” has been in the media a lot! A group of about thirty ministers and their followers called for his resignation on September 11th, calling him a “racist” who could not fairly prosecute all persons fairly.

In fact, he “retired” just a couple of months later, only midway through his term. Of course, this may be nothing more than hollow name calling, and if all of the people slinging accusations at him are promoting their own race to the exclusion of other races, it calls into question the quality of any racially tinged claims.

The infamous Hunt case changed the opinions of many about Keith a few years ago. That was a case where a man was convicted twice, in 1984 and again in 1990 for raping and  killing a woman. According to reports, DNA evidence excluded Hunt as the rapist in 1994, and Keith did not call for a re-investigation of the case. It wasn’t until the real murderer was found, and he confessed, that Keith apparently acknowledged Hunt’s innocence. That’s a dangerous game to play, as Mike Nifong so recently discovered.

Tom Keith is approximately retired now, he’s sixty-five years old, and he could focus on something else in life like fishing, defending indigent innocents, or suing con artists. He’s left his mark… he’ll be remembered. But causing a huge stir over a lousy traffic ticket on his way out seems trivial.

Judge Hutchins should be commended for standing her ground, and doing what she feels is right whatever the government’s “magical” speed box of guilt says – that’s what heroes and wise judges do during witch trials. It is insane to demand that people at X arbitrary speed be placed in cages like animals. And a license suspension is not necessary in every case. Certain people such as veterans with perfect records deserve a break at any speed.  It will be interesting to see how the case turns out...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Meet District Attorney Tom Keith

Part I – To Force Her Honor’s Hand…

Tom Keith has just retired after almost completing his fifth term as the DA for Forsyth County, North Carolina. Keith will be remembered by some as a great man. Others claim he is too biased to serve as DA. And the few who don’t know this man will have one last chance to gather an opinion of him… because he isn’t ready to leave the spotlight just yet.

Just before his retirement, Keith stirred up a huge fight with Judge Laurie Hutchins, challenging her ruling on a speeding case. The defendant in the case was caught going 122 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone. He had no prior criminal record, and the judge found him guilty of going 79 in a 65 mile per hour zone… a reduced violation. This is not uncommon even at very high speeds if the driver has a perfect record. At a minimum, one would expect that this outcome saved the defendant a license suspension under NC’s insane 15 MPH+ suspension rule.

Keith was furious, and has since filed a motion to overturn the ruling with the Superior Court. One hundred, twenty-two miles per hour! Triple digits are fast on any highway, but the judge heard the case and is standing by her decision. Maybe she thought this guy deserved a break. Maybe her gut told her something that we aren‘t aware of. Maybe the skill of the defense attorney paid off. But it was in her courtroom, and she ruled as she believed was right, refusing to back down to Keith. In part II, more details will emerge about the showdown over whether judges should have the discretion to give people a break on speeding charges.
To be continued…