Monday, September 14, 2009

Virginia State Troopers Participate in Operation CARE - both citations and fatalities rise...

Last year during Labor Day weekend, Virginia State Police participated in operation C.A.R.E., which is supposedly designed to make the highways safer and reduce fatalities. They issued 8,492 speeding tickets and 2,407 reckless driving citations last year, but this year they were even more productive.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this past labor day weekend your state troopers cited 9,386 motorists for speeding and 2,587 for reckless driving. But despite the fact that the number of citation increased, this provided no appreciable safety boost on our highways. Fatalities actually increased from 2008 to 2009.

The numbers released by the state police are causing many to question whether the Operation C.A.R.E. is about safety or money. In addition, some critics feel that the program actually creates additional hazard for the troopers as well as the persons being stopped and cited.